Weiguang3D StudioSlicingmedical imagingMedical ImagingDiffrationhydrodynamics
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Current projects:

  • Max3D: Reconstruction and visualization of x-ray diffraction pattern in 3D reciprocal space (In collaboration with Dept of Chemistry)
In this project we reconstruct and visualize x-ray diffraction pattern in 3D reciprocal space from a sequence of 2D diffraction images that are acquired via Bruker scanner. Unlike other 3D crystallography techniques, our technique not only displays diffraction spots (lattice) but also reveals information in locations where no diffraction occurs.

There are three video clips show the application of the software in texture analysis:
  • Passive stereo visualization for 3D theatre
In this project we set up a front-projection passive stereo system in MDCL to facilitate both research and education. The system is a realtime visualization system so that researchers/educators can interactively manipulate and explore their data/models, such as molecular models, hydrodynamics, crystallography, medical imaging, anatomic structure, mechanical parts, and many many more.
  • Text visualization
We develop an animated text visualization program, see Collocation Ring MPEG format or QuickTime format
  • Interactive segmentation and visualization of 3D medical images (In collaboration with Dept of Medical Physics & Applied Radiation Sciences)
We develop a interactive segmentation system upon ITK. It is for segmentation and reconstruction of human organs in high accuracy. The geometry of an organ is saved in STL (STereoLithography) format so that it could be "printed" out on special 3D printer. It opens a new way to study radio-therapy by applying radiation to those phatoms filled with radio-sensitive material and measuring radiation distribution.

Past Projects:

  • 3D Realtime visualization of large-scale data using HP cluster architecture