I am a fugitive from a chain gang. Office of the Vice-President, Research
Research and High-Performance Computing Support

M.G. Malott

formerly Senior Research Computing Specialist
(formerly (formerly Analyst))

On June 1, 2022 I retired from my job in Research and HPC Support and no longer work at McMaster University.

If you have a software or system problem that needs attention, please be sure you have sent your message to all members of the RHPCS group at one of these addresses:


or rhpcs@mcmaster.ca

If your message pertains to a personal matter, please resend your message to:


Retiringly yours,

Michael Malott

What Mike sees all day. (3.5 MB)

Advice for graduate students (javascript required).

Where the Pyramids really came from.

Feeling inadequate? Now, you can feel worse.

Research and High-Performance Computing

mgm; jun2022